Welcome to WonderLand

The past several years have left a profound mark on both my art and my view of the world. I currently find myself in a liminal space… navigating uncharted waters…. searching for ways to blend what was with what is.

My hope is to use this time and space to rekindle my artistic passions and explore new ways of expression and connection. while staying true to my purpose – empowering others.

I invite you to join me as I find my new voice somewhere in WonderLand.


Blockchain technology is in step to revolutionize the way humans interact and get things done – and NFTs are an exciting new way for the Creators and the Collectors to interact.

Think of NFTs as a new way to collect art and collectables. Instead of having a Certificate of Authenticity stuffed in a safety deposit box? It is now literally embedded into the piece. Yes, the image itself can be copied – just like with any object – but the code cannot be. That code is Non Fungible. For my vintage sci-fi fanbase? “There can be only one.”

Another brilliant advantage is that every time the NFT changes hands, the original artist can get a royalty. This is very exciting stuff.

I am far from an expert, but I am happy to answer any questions you may have about how this all works. Just shoot me an email – keith@keithdixon.us.

One last thing. There is a new marketplace in town. It is rather exclusive, but whether or not my art is accepted, I fully support it. Check it out at nft.gamestop.com. If all goes well, you will see my work on there soon 🙂

Ready to see some of my new work? Use the Main Menu, or follow this link: NFT Collections.

About Me

I have an artist’s passion, a craftsman’s skill, and a beginner’s sense of possibility. I also have a deep desire to create beautiful, inspiring art that promotes thoughtful engagement and Conversations that Matter.

Oh – and I have a really cool cat.


A BLOG?? In 2022? Yeah, I get that. My take? I’m tired of organized Social Media. I want to express my thoughts, my way.

A large part of my artistic journey has been about finding my voice, expressing myself, and being authentic. I don’t know about you, but I have found that increasingly difficult to do on the popular platforms. It’s so easy to get distracted, or worse, get pulled in to discussions that you would otherwise avoid.

I want to have ‘Conversations that Matter’ in a space that is safe.

Maybe no one will stop and read these posts. Maybe no one posts a reply.

I’m ok with that.

If that is the case, this will end up as an online journal – where I record my thoughts, ideas, dreams, and goals. That works, too.

About the Cat

It all started on December 3rd, 2016…

I was on my way to pick up my daughter from her babysitting job. Being December in Tennessee, the weather was pretty awful. It was cold and drizzling. The roads were soaked. And as always, I was running a little behind schedule.

As my car crested a small hill and prepared to turn left, I saw something moving on the side of the road.

One thing you need to know about Tennessee – wildlife is very common. It’s like a zoo – deer, horses, cows, raccoons, ground hogs, squirrels, rabbits, rats, field mice, moles, coyotes – you see them all. And often.

I only caught a glimpse, but based on the size and movement, at this point I’m thinking it was a baby opossum or raccoon that might need help back into the woods. Wildlife rescue is a daily possibility in this part of the country, and I was cautiously ready to do my civic duty.

When I got out of the car, however, it was nowhere to be seen. I looked around for a few seconds, eventually deciding that what ever it was had probably scampered back off into the woods on its own. I was a little disappointed, but also relieved that I had not added anything to my already tight schedule.

Thankfully, the story didn’t end like that.

As I was opening the driver’s side door, I heard a noise from under the car. Right away, I am thinking I was truly dealing with frightened wild animal. I imagined myself leaning down to help this thing and having it lunge from under the car, eating its way up my arm to my face. (Side note? I may have been watching too much Walking Dead at the time.)

Despite being a little nervous, I knelt down and cautiously looked under the car.

And that’s when I heard it… that unmistakable sound… the sounds that warms the heart of pet lovers everywhere. I heard a pitiful “Mew” and knew I had found a kitten.

I sat down on the ground, assuming I would have to pry it loose from something. Instead, this little creature emerged from under the car.

It was wet. It covered in mud. It stank of garbage. It was dragging its limp back legs behind it.


It crawled right over – without missing a beat – and climbed up into my lap.

Wizard Cat Merlin found his human ❤

Wizard Cat Merin, about two weeks after finding him under my car
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